I watched a movie on TV the other day with my family...a Christmas "classic," according to my dad. It was pretty good. But afterwards, nothing about it—no catchy line or significant scene—stuck in my head. After watching it, I can't say I gained (or lost) anything.
The shocking part, though, was the commercials. Yes, the commercials, which we (mostly) fastforwarded through. But there was one which I remember. I saw it three times. To be honest, I can't even remember what it was actually about...
I know...boring blog post...
"You've gone crazy!" they say.
"Why tell us about something you don't even remember?"
"You're wasting my time!"
But wait. Let me tell you about the part I do remember. It was crazy. It was so unexpected that I jumped in my seat all three times when I heard it.
Here's what happened: they mentioned God.
"Oh, big deal," you say. "I hear that name more times in a day than I care to count."
That may be true. But this one was different. This time, they mentioned God's name without an "oh my" before it. They said His name with purpose. That purpose? The speaker was sharing how God works even in our most painful circumstances.
So why was this tiny mention of God's name so significant? It only happened once in the entire commercial. Why, when I forgot every other part of the movie and all of the other commercials, did this stick out? Perhaps it is because I have grown accustomed to the sound of modern media...
Think about it. When was the last time you watched a popular movie about God? No, not the Greek gods in Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief. I'm talking about the real God: the Holy One described in the Bible—the great I AM.
Our culture doesn't talk about this God. And anyone who believes in Him is expected to keep it to themselves. "Coexist," they say. "Let each person believe what they want to believe. Don't shove your religion down my throat."
And, sadly, most of us listen to them. We keep quiet. We're Christians, after all. The world doesn't want us. So we shut up. And if anyone—even a silly commercial—brings up our faith, we fidget uncomfortably. We deny it. Christian?? Ha! Not me.
Make no mistake: I'm just as guilty. I know hundreds of people (and I've encountered thousands more) who are not saved. Some of them are close family members. And what do I do about it? I pray really hard, asking God to give me courage to share my faith. Then I go out and laugh and joke with them...and I never bother to mention what's really on my mind. Now's not the time, I think each time I feel the Holy Spirit's prompt. I'll have plenty of opportunities later.
But will I? We are not given unlimited chances to share our message. Sometimes we only have one chance. And if we blow it, what then? (Yes, God is in control. But that does not excuse us from sharing what we know.)
Before Jesus ascended to heaven, He left us with this command (followed by a promise): "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age" (Matthew 28:19-20, NIV 1984).
We have been given a message of hope: the good news of the Gospel. We know that faith in Jesus Christ is the only guarantee of eternal life in heaven (John 14:6). And yet we stay silent. WHY???
WE KNOW THE TRUTH. It's time for us to share it. We've got a job to do, a mission to complete. So let's get up, put on our armor (Ephesians 6:10-18), and start fighting. We may not be of this world, but we are in it. And while we're in it, we must impact it. Let's share God's truth. Let's stop fidgeting in our seats and blushing at the mention of God's name. Let's tune our ears away from modern media and listen to God's call. No more "coexisting." Come on, Christians, it's time to move. Be assured: we are not alone. Romans 8:31b says, "If God is for us, who can be against us?" (NIV 1984). And in Matthew 10:28, Jesus commands, "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell" (NIV 1984).
We've got a message to share and nothing to lose. So let's go!